Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


What will happen when no one smokes anymore?? (NFN)

I really tell you, I am very concerned about the issue and I want to try to explain it to you..
It is evident that the health authorities have taken up the flag of some enlightened people who have always fought for smokers to stop smoking first., to those of us who did not do it and even to those who did (fumadores habituales, encima pasivos) y segundo y como médico, para sugerirles que lo dejaran por los posibles perjuicios que para algunos, eran mas que evidentes del tabaquismo.
Fuimos mirados como extraterrestres y tíos raros y desde luego efectivamente lo éramos y lo seguimos siendo, no faltaría más
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