Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Doctrine and research. A new technique, in the surgical treatment of prognathism, intraorally

Author: Dr. Don Francisco Hernández Altemir
Drugs, I take LIX, núm. 498, April 1972
Spanish Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
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Intra-Arterial Infusión Catheters With Implantable Injection Chambers In Maxillo-Facial Oncology

Francisco Hernández Altemir
J. Cranio-Max.-Fac. Surg. 16(1988)
Explained in text and with graphics, in a novel way, the procedure to implant a reservoir for intra-arterial chemotherapy of the oral and craniomaxillofacial territory.
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Chronic hypoxemia factor aetiopathogenic producer atypia Cell Cancer Oral Cavity and other mucosal epithelia Agency.

Dr hypothesis work. F. Hernández Altemir, a possible etiology of cancer, when hypoxemia, still it seemed contemplated, in these areas. The “explanations” about, primarily based on clinical observation and synthesized on a poster, with dates and places where he unveiled:
Zaragoza, 9 al 12 from December to 1992
Aragones III Congress of Medicine, Surgery and Nursing and Medical Specialties
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Combitube S.A. through submental route A. technical innovation

Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (2003) 31.257-259
Author: Dr. Don Francisco Hernández Altemir
the use of Combitube described S.A., for very complex and specific intubations, via submental

What will happen when no one smokes anymore?? (NFN)

I really tell you, I am very concerned about the issue and I want to try to explain it to you..
It is evident that the health authorities have taken up the flag of some enlightened people who have always fought for smokers to stop smoking first., to those of us who did not do it and even to those who did (fumadores habituales, encima pasivos) y segundo y como médico, para sugerirles que lo dejaran por los posibles perjuicios que para algunos, eran mas que evidentes del tabaquismo.
Fuimos mirados como extraterrestres y tíos raros y desde luego efectivamente lo éramos y lo seguimos siendo, no faltaría más
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Nap Donkey (SB)

I do not know if you know. In short is that midmorning, the working people usually early risers. When they have left they performed his morning chores and there is nothing, no one to disturb them, it is easy to find, unintentionally, a place isolated from the madding crowd, you do not need to be in the field, to imperceptibly, even for the nearest, the slow sit back and quietly, in a position that can remember the supine, with some modifications personal or cyclical, to let the dream come deserved and refreshing, during 20 from 30 minutes, more or less. Allowing incorporated very conscious waking and working normally, to finish some small detail to make. For much the same way as was initiated, go preparing the body, at baseline achieved with the (SR), to cope with lunch or dinner. If you can home, based on fresh foods, easy, natural and nutritious, facts and sometimes carried fondly by some zagal(a), almost always cheerful(s), O well, I could have been sitting in the pan, we bring to the pit, leaving open the aroma to leave home, mixed with the smell of stew slow life.
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Medicine is not a Science

Medicine is an Art that studies, prevent, treats and controls the evolution of human psychosomatic pathology!
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Contributions to the XXI Congress of the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Valladolid 8-10 June 2011Contributions to the XXI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Valladolid 8-10 of June 2011.

– Proposal For The Application Of The New Terms accesibility (a) And inaccesibility (i) In The classic, Renowned TNM Staging And in What We Refer To As G(n): TNM (*)Click on the title to see the poster and / or communication

Proposal for the application of the new terms accessibility (a) and inaccessibledad (i) in the classic and recognized TNM staging and in what we call G(n): TNM (*)…

– The doctor. Hernández Altemir, “proposing” in a practical way, at the XXI Congress of the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery held in Valladolid del 8-10 of June 2011, what can you think of, incorporate into the Authors' Shirt (front and / or back or both), with the purpose of its better diffusion and informal discussion in the colloquial environments of Congresses, Symposium, etc., the Title of the Poster(s) and / or even part of it, or its entirety and all, because not few times, remain the same, a bit relegated and even “forgotten”, of the immediate scientific environment, on the panels that usually support them, although not for that, this exposure practice should be stopped, so classic and “effective”, without impairment, how not, to hang them in computer formats (already very experienced practice).

– Proposal for Endoscopic Surgery of the Skull Base by Via(s) Submental(is) A(s) New(s) Via(s) – Submental Endoscopic Access to the Clivus and Skull Base. A new technique-

– Ultrasound (E), Tac (T), Magnetic resonance (RM). Pet(P), Puncture cytology (Cp), as less invasive means of staging, comparative with the Sentinel Ganglion Methodology (Gc), in Head and Neck Oncology