Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Transfacial Access to the Retromaxillary Area

Author: Francisco Hernandez Altemir
J.max.-fac Surg. 14(1986) 165-170
A fundamentally conservative personal technique is described, that until the date of its first diffusion, in 1982 in STOMA, It meant very serious mutilations or even technical impossibilities that were difficult or even impossible to access., with even ethical determination, to the retromaxillary spaces, clivus and basal structures, both extra and intracranial and which has given rise to a methodology called Transfacial and of which the same author, called Pedicled Craniofacial Surgery, both, can benefit in the same way from endotracheal intubation through the Submental Route. Of the procedures listed, Endoscopic Skull Base surgery has benefited, today so evolved.
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