File of the month July, 2011

The Submental route revisited using the laryngeal mask airway: A technical note

Author: Francico Hernández Altemir Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (2000) 28, 343-344 With similar intentions, to what Submental Endotracheal intubation offers, the same Author, describes the possibilities of the Submental Path, for its use, with laryngeal mask, for precise cases.

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Transfacial Access to the Retromaxillary Area

Author: Francisco Hernandez Altemir J.max.-fac Surg. 14(1986) 165-170 A fundamentally conservative personal technique is described, that until the date of its first diffusion, in 1982 in STOMA, It meant very serious mutilations or even technical impossibilities that were difficult or even impossible to access., with even ethical determination, to the retromaxillary spaces, clivus and basal structures, tanto […]

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The Submental Route for Endotracheal Intubation. A New Technique

Author: Francisco Hernandez Altemir J., max. do. Surg. 14 (1986); 64-65 It describes a technique for tracheal intubation ectopic, for selective cases but frequent, where gold or nasotracheal intubation, They are not possible or there is reasonable suspicion of serious damage, if they are attempted and/or that hinder the surgical activity on the Oral and Craniomaxillofacial territory […]

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A technical modification of cervical submaxillectomy

Author: Dr. Francisco Hernández Altemir Rev Iberoamer Cirug. Oral y Maxilofacif. 7, 20 (225-226), 1983 It is described, a simple procedure to more safely preserve and identify the vascular and nerve structures of the submandibular gland. See full article

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Doctrine and research. A new technique, in the surgical treatment of prognathism, intraorally

Author: Dr. Don Francisco Hernández Altemir Medicine, I take LIX, núm. 498, April 1972 Spanish Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. See full article

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Intra-Arterial Infusión Catheters With Implantable Injection Chambers In Maxillo-Facial Oncology

Francisco Hernandez Altemir J.. Cranio-Max.-Fac. Surg. 16(1988) Explained in text and with graphics, in a novel way, the procedure to implant a reservoir for intra-arterial chemotherapy of the oral and craniomaxillofacial territory. See full article

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Chronic hypoxemia factor aetiopathogenic producer atypia Cell Cancer Oral Cavity and other mucosal epithelia Agency.

Dr hypothesis work. F. Hernández Altemir, a possible etiology of cancer, when hypoxemia, still it seemed contemplated, in these areas. The “explanations” about, primarily based on clinical observation and synthesized on a poster, with dates and places where he unveiled: Zaragoza, 9 al 12 […]

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Combitube S.A. through submental route A. technical innovation

Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (2003) 31.257-259 Author: Dr. Mr. Francisco Hernández Altemir The use of Combitube S.A. is described., for very complex and specific intubations, via submental

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