File for ‘Original Articles’ category

The Submental Route for Endotracheal Intubation. A New Technique

Author: Francisco Hernandez Altemir J., max. do. Surg. 14 (1986); 64-65 It describes a technique for tracheal intubation ectopic, for selective cases but frequent, where gold or nasotracheal intubation, They are not possible or there is reasonable suspicion of serious damage, if they are attempted and/or that hinder the surgical activity on the Oral and Craniomaxillofacial territory […]

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A technical modification of cervical submaxillectomy

Author: Dr. Francisco Hernández Altemir Rev Iberoamer Cirug. Oral y Maxilofacif. 7, 20 (225-226), 1983 It is described, a simple procedure to more safely preserve and identify the vascular and nerve structures of the submandibular gland. See full article

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Doctrine and research. A new technique, in the surgical treatment of prognathism, intraorally

Author: Dr. Don Francisco Hernández Altemir Medicine, I take LIX, núm. 498, April 1972 Spanish Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. See full article

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Intra-Arterial Infusión Catheters With Implantable Injection Chambers In Maxillo-Facial Oncology

Francisco Hernandez Altemir J.. Cranio-Max.-Fac. Surg. 16(1988) Explained in text and with graphics, in a novel way, the procedure to implant a reservoir for intra-arterial chemotherapy of the oral and craniomaxillofacial territory. See full article

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Chronic hypoxemia factor aetiopathogenic producer atypia Cell Cancer Oral Cavity and other mucosal epithelia Agency.

Dr hypothesis work. F. Hernández Altemir, a possible etiology of cancer, when hypoxemia, still it seemed contemplated, in these areas. The “explanations” about, primarily based on clinical observation and synthesized on a poster, with dates and places where he unveiled: Zaragoza, 9 al 12 […]

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Combitube S.A. through submental route A. technical innovation

Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (2003) 31.257-259 Author: Dr. Mr. Francisco Hernández Altemir The use of Combitube S.A. is described., for very complex and specific intubations, via submental

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Doctoral thesis Dr. Don Francisco Hernández-AltemirTesis Doctoral Dr. D. Francisco Hernández Altemir

Development and Organization of the Confluence Cervicofacial Applicative order. (A special study, of fascial septa)Development and organization of the Confluence Cervicofacial with a view applicative. (A special study, on partitions fascial)

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Nap Donkey (SB)

I do not know if you know. In short is that midmorning, people who are usually early risers and workers. When they have finished their morning tasks and there is nothing, no one to disturb them, it is easy to find, unintentionally, a place isolated from the madding crowd, that it doesn't have to be in […]

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Medicine is not a Science

Medicine is an art that studies, prevent, treats and controls the evolution of human psychosomatic pathology! See full article

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NECKLACES (Care Reflection)

All sick, that reaches our environment , with cervical collar and more or less globally or partially immobilized by this and/or other systems, you should suggest us in advance, that our care attitude must be, in principle,, observant and respectful, before making decisions releasing containment procedures, of which they can be […]

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