File for 'Opinion articles’ category

scientific contributions 64 CONGRESS SEDO TARRAGONA 2018, 6-9 OF JUNE

DR. FRANCISCO HERNÁNDEZ ALTEMIR SOMETHING MORE ABOUT THE TERM OCCLUSION Click Here Our Communication “Just over Occlusion” has allowed us to think that the number 8 He will occupy in the occluding concept, unsuspected aspects, which we will revealing.

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Contributions to 17 Congress of Oral Surgery and Implantology 17/18 Mayo 2018 IBIZA

ORGANIZED BY THE SPANISH SOCIETY OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Certificate of Attendance at the Congress. Click here Communications Certificates in Poster format for Graduates 1-: IS THERE A TYPE OF EXPERIENCE? (Prepared for Oral Communication) Click here 2-: NASA (Poster) click here 3-: MATERIAL […]

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A CASE OF GIANT Cavum ANGIOFIBROMA INVOLVED BY TEMPORARY TECHNICAL disarticulation pediculated A CHEEK maxilla. ESTOMA Volume II 1982 No.. I

Vol II ESTOMA 1982 Surely 1 (Español) ESTOMA VOL II 1982 NUM 1 (Chino) ESTOMA VOL III 1983 Surely 1 (Español) ESTOMA VOL III 1983 NUM 1 (Chino)

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DEFINITIVE COURSE PROGRAM AND CONGRESS ORL DISSECTION. Zaragoza World Trade Center 21, 22, 23 Y 24 March 2018


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III Congress of the Madrid Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2018

Chronic hypoxemia factor aetiopathogenic producer atypia Cell Cancer Oral Cavity and other mucosal epithelia Agency. ROYAL ACADEMY OF MEDICINE OF ZARAGOZA (1992) – MADRILEÑA SOCIETY OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY (2018) AUTHORS DOCTORS Francisco Hernández Altemir *, Sofía Hernández Montero **, Elena Hernandez Hernandez Susana Montero and Montero *** **** /*: […]

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