Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


The more distal airway, better tolerated?

Of: Francisco Altemir <>
Date: 6 June 2020, 18:10:03 HONOR
Affair: The more distal airway, better tolerated?

Hello again, Rosario
Now, again a thought, after I found out, a few minutes ago, that a patient of 88 years, has recovered, after being intubated and at the end, traqueotomizado.
And why do I think this?
Why, maybe the tracheal area, it is more functional and inert, that the upper aerodigestive zones and therefore, better able to overcome, the complications they represent, being more dynamic and sensitive, to the presence of anomalous elements in and extraordinary by strange and more adjectives…, so, try to reject them, also by superorganics and teflexogens, with everything he carries, as for ease, for your control, so much material, like even pharmacological (need for very precise and difficult to control medications, with even global influences, not always well defined, for each case and situation) and functionally, because his irruption and perseverance act clearly, like a foreign body, almost intolerable… and that requires, also great healthcare resources, all types…
The trachea, happens more of these aspects, for being more inert and insensitive physiologically and materially to the mentioned tubes and the like, less reflexogenic, less productive of secretions and easier care and attention, even face-to-face and a great, etc.
For the Covid-19, the best, seems physical therapy and prone and if long intubations are required, the tracheostomy…..(even if, you have to keep studying, meticulously, bone with the evidence, on the stated….)
Dr. F. Hernández Altemir
Collegiate 505004161

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